My friend
Whim Sical.
I met Whim about a time ago in my much-loved
bar. A beer standing in front of me and was minding my own industry. The stool
next to me was bare and that’s were Whim sat down. He regimented also a pint
and we started talking about balderdash because that is what people do in public
He made a real crack, to sound fascinating and
I was really interested to perceive what he had to say. I found him quirky, original
and unconventional and sometimes surprisingly unusual. He was a ballyhoo type
of a person and his bodacious posture was not cantankerous to me.
We talked
about pragmatically concerns which arise when drinking beer. Whim suggested
that if too much tipple was frenzied you could hear the sound of borborymus which
sometimes absquatulate in disarray. As he possesses a shapely callipygian, this
could be factual. I was on tenterhooks hoping that he was not developing borborymus
as this could give an unpleasant effluvium.
The one thing cantankerous to me is
to cause ballyhoo especially with my favorite factotum in attendance. She
could easily and erroneously incarcerate me for the culprit.
For the last month I was ca hooting secretly
with her and had a somewhat concupiscent desire towards her. I also hoped that
in the near future I could set up a summit and have some debauchery.
I really possessed
the fallibility that I was mistaken and Whim did not have an atypical urge.
To counter act my trepidation I became more
loquacious and made Whim a suggestion to be more abstemious especially with
Alcohol is an organic compound in which the hydroxyl functional group is
bound to a carbon atom; particular in Whims case this could be fatal for me.
Luckily for me some bindle stiff walked in
and kept my favourite factotum full of activity. The worry about the absquatulation
of Whim’s borborymus subsided a bit. At least I could respire and drink some of
my snifter.
The bindle stiff caterwauled in protest as the factotum broadly and
firmly cohere him and fling him outside before anybody could yowl about it
and cause a farrago.
My favorite factotum returned to her
station, I glanced at her face and could see her copacetic smile. I ordered
another nip and was fearful to ask Whim, if he would like a further one too.
most wanted factotum said to us that she was a no gibberish person and took no hokum
and was used to covenant with jackanapes, tatterdemalion or ragamuffin people.
I looked at her dangling festoon which made me flummoxed. I am not a flibbertigibbet
but at that moment it made me imbroglio.
She went on to help a new punter and wished I could lollygag her a bit but I understood she did not have a concupiscent
desire towards me.
I didn't
want to disappear in a higgledy-piggledy manner but I think it was point in
time to go to my domicile. I refined my half and said to Whim it is not your foible
but I feel not loquacious anymore and that I was lackadaisical so I wanted to abscond.
I stood up, all of a sudden I sniffed that cockamamie effluvium and felt hoodwinked. I am sure
he was a pusillanimous pettifogger and a ragamuffin. Actually I wanted to go
and overlook him. Hopefully next time he felt better.
For my most wanted factotum:
A Majestic Rivet:

One part of Chambord (Black Raspberry Liqueur)
Two parts of orange juice.
Photo from Wikipedia
For my friend Whim Sical:
For my most wanted factotum:
A Majestic Rivet:

One part of Chambord (Black Raspberry Liqueur)
Two parts of orange juice.
Photo from Wikipedia
For my friend Whim Sical:
A Soweto Toilet:
Drip in a teaspoon or so of Amarula.
Top with a few drops of creme de cacao
It looks pretty grim, but tastes quite nice actually.
Photo from Scott Krog (Pinterest)
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