
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Man and his Temper.

Man doesn't get angry very often and lose their temper rarely. There is no question that the man’s excellent brain function is absolutely geared to do the most significant things with his temper safely in place. There will always be a legitimate course to accidentally lose it sometimes.

Losing your temper is not altogether evil because men who are as easy and comfortable as a pair of old slippers and never lose anything are generally not worth much. When a man accidentally loses his temper it is because he decided to do so. His wife does not have to worry because a man is very capable to find his temper again. He possibly has it misplaced somewhere.

If it occurs that a man loses his temper, say: while driving his car with his other half and nearly misses the car in the opposite lane, there shouldn't be an immediate panic attack which is always launched by his wife. Men never were attacked by panics and they never encountered one but learned that it is very small but can come in great disorder.

A woman’s temper in contrast to a man, is more frequently lost, this is due to the fact that a woman has many tempers and is not bothered by losing them. Man has only one temper, his short temper. A woman has two kind of tempers: A short temper and a long temper which is also called “tantrum”. Research done on “throwing tantrums” never indicated that a man has ever thrown a tantrum successfully.

This is quite the reverse by woman. A woman can throw a tantrum very often and very far. In the medical world this is identified as “paroxysm” or fit. There are many synonyms for fit, a few of them are as follows: Vigorous, Athletic, and Tough and in Top form.

Tantrum throwing never became a popular pastime like tennis and football. For ages woman exercised this throwing of tantrums only indoors and they still do. The only reason for that is: a woman’s tantrum is mostly thrown out of control. You can imagine that if they were throwing tantrums outside in the open, one of these tantrums could hit you hard. 

I know a woman can throw a lot of tantrums, but I never found out where they keep them, they must be hidden somewhere only a woman knows.

Many wars are fought by man, but never in history did they ever attack a panic nor did a panic attack them or even came across one.  Still panic attacks can happen anytime, anywhere without warning. The soldiers were living in fear of such an attack and they avoided the places where such attacks could have been taken place.

Still today our army reckons: to be attacked by a panic is one of the most frightening things you may encounter. It is a disorderly experience; we know all, that our army cannot cope with uncontrollable or unmanageable situations, especially not with this invisible panic attacking enemy. They claim that conventional weapons won’t erase these panics.

A woman has a lot of experience being attacked by disorderly panics and throwing many tantrums and also the fact that they are as I mentioned, athletic, tough and in top form, 
I admit that they might hold the perfect solution. 
We as man should give them a lot more support and handle our woman with utmost respect. 
One day we need them to throw their many hidden tantrums and attack these undetectable panics for us. These invisible adversaries can strike out of nowhere. 
To have woman as our allies, might one day save our man world from this scary opponent.

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